
secret signal

so i went back to school this morning. it was alright. I think I learned stuff. I'm going to drop art history. My german classes really are the only ones I like. Its weird that way. I don't even like german literature that much. Just the language class. Too bad i can't take just that and nothing else. Ah oh well. sometimes earthlink is a bitch and I can't log into my account so i have to switch my superfun webcam over to geocities which has annoying pop up ads. life is hard. life is oh so hard. and geocities sucks too. everything sucks. last night i had some weird dreams and i don't care if you don't want to read it, i just want to write it down for myself. I think it started in my dorm room. i was trying to kick alexis out the window and she was all, "you couldn't kick my ass". and then a blind rhinoceros came to help me. he would run towards the window and she had to go out onto the porch (i dont really have one) but the rhinoceros was scared to go out there because he might fall and alexis was taunting me, and then the rhinoceros says, "yeah well what about the tiger?" and alexis says, "haha, there's no tiger". then the tiger shows up and i think it ate her. anyway me and the rhinoceros were then sitting out on a lawn under some trees and i was asking him something along the lines of, how strange it must be to know everything is there but not be able to see it. isn't it scary? and he told me he didnt really think about it much. then i seem to have gone back in time but i am still my normal size. I'm looking for marc gill, a boy i had a crush on in the 2nd grade. then I'm in my kitchen in halifax with my mom who has become more young and fun and vibrant, and my brother who is 11 years old, and and elderly chinese man who has lots of wise sounding things to share but no one is very interested in what he has to say except for me. he has this magical appley cinnamon cobbler strudel type stuff that comes in geometric forms and if you eat it, it will help you to learn kung fu. so i ate it. then i am back in high school and kaysie keeps talking about the wayans brothers, only in this reality , the wayans brothers is classic TV from the 50's or the 60's. and she has to constantly whistle the theme song. then we are going to see a movie. it is a weird pornographic bugs bunny cartoon. someone who is with us points out that its artistic in the way it never actually shows the characters having sex. then we're in the movie but the plot has changed. it is now some kind of spy mystery thing. we are in a room with a bunch of photocopiers trying to find the conspirators. we are interrogating a woman with a british accent and she says something that is a slip up but we just stand back and watch as she is photocopying away, a fat old man from another photocopier comesup to her and hits on her, but it is really the secret signal for something and he has given himself away. then we take the seccret documents, which are the lyrics of some song written on a piece of cardboard, out of a mailing tube and we are walking down a hall and going to see the weird porno cartoon again. (because we missed the beginning of it last time). now i dont know why he would show up in my dream, but at this point the guy who runs BMEZINE is with us. also some guy with an afro. we go into the theatre but it seems we have missed the beginning yet again. the cartoon ends and up on the screen i see "www.anneatomic.com" and i am really mad. i am yelling about how they "stole my thing!! that was my thing! how could they steal it??" . then i dont know what happens. everything is in disarray. then we are going to see the cartoon porn movie, for the third time. although at some point i remember someone saying it was actually a music video, and that it was really good, considering the way most music videos are nowadays. and it turned out the beginning of it involved the wayans brothers. the end. oh yes..t heres a bit about some level builders and being trapped on a foreign planet.. with giant pikachus.. aahh whatever.

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