
when you're cleaning out the hive, does it make you want to cry?

i am now hating the stupid fishtail unicorn. it was a foolish notion. i had an interesting afternoon. at the laundromat all the dryers were filled up because these two crazy ladies were using eight of them for their huge amounts of laundry. i didn't understand. then when i was walking back to my apartment there was a big commotion by a construction site on college, because the construction workers had asked some guy to move his car and he was having a fit, italian style. "You telling me to move-a my fucking car?? fuck-a you!" meanwhile his two small ugly dogs were sticking their heads out of the car windows and his small ugly wife was there too. i think they called the police. when i got home some strange indian man was smoking a joint on the porch. i think it was maybe the landlady's son in law. then i looked at some pictures that i got developed. they are from a very long time ago. some are neat. there is a picture of a barbie drowned in a kiddie pool that i took in chicago, it was on somebody's lawn. and their are pictures of my kitties when i first got them and two of shaun, that i think were taken at ted's wrecking yard. also there is a picture of a giant stuffed dog sitting on the curb on garbage day with his face planted into the pavement. next week jenny and eddie are coming to visit. jenny said she is bringing things for my home. on november 2 i am going to detroit to visit people and to see the white stripes at the DIA. also to see game and weasels ( it is a painting in the permanent collection there). i have been yawning so much in the last two days that the part of my mouth where the top and bottom of my gums are connected at the back is all stretched and torn or something. it hurts and it feels weird and rough. henceforth i am going to play my guitar every single day.

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