
laying blame

>>>> I want to play guitar but alexis is sleeping
>>>> i can't do my homework till i've satisfied my guitar playing needs
>>>> chances are by the time alexis is done sleeping, i will have exited my peak hours of productivity
>>>> I will have to take an extra ADD pill (or two) and I'll play guitar for a few hours
>>>> then it will be evening and there will be people online that I want to talk to
>>>> so I will stumble through my homework while making dumb chatter and eventually give up and tell myself I'll finish it tomorrow
>>>> but since i will have taken the extra pill, I'll be unable to sleep untill about 5:30 A.M.
>>>> when it's time to go to my film tutorial I'll be too sore and tired and I'll tell myself I'll skip it but go to bio
>>>> of course I won't wake up till 2:30 and it will be too late
>>>> so it won't really matter that I never finished my homework
>>>> and it's all alexis's fault.

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