
half of my heart

I just added a guestbook, I'm curious as to whether anyone other than the people I expressly gave the URL to this read it. so sign it. it'll be fun.

something else I think the world needs to know is that dann gallucci from the murder city devils is incredibly hot and I want to marry him and stuff.

okay well, anyways.. I havent done anything all day today either but it's okay. I'm still tired. I was up sort of late last night any way, on the internet. I was listening to the Go but the cd ended so now I'm listening to the Mooney Suzuki, they're similar bands so it blends together pretty seamlessly and I like that. Going from one cd to another when I'm tired, I don't want a lot of change that will shock my eardrums. there's nothing to do, I'm really bored. thats not true actually there's plenty to do, i just don't want to. I should go to bed earlier tonight. last night there were some trashy kids in here, friends of my roomate I think, they were annoying. I didnt really want to talk to them. they made fun of my for sitting on my computer all night. oh well. so what, right? who cares. I feel pretty sad and mellow right now. I wonder what all the people I know are doing RIIIGHT now. I wonder. When I was in line at the cafeteria getting my dinner, I was putting a potato on my plate, and the kid next to me said something like, "I saw them loading those potatoes out of the truck, and they all fell on the ground and stuff, it was pretty sick.. bla bla bla", but he was obviously joking so i just told him to shut up and then when he got some chicken i said i saw it getting slaughtered and that was pretty sick too. I hope i didn't make him mad or anything. hmmmmmmmmm. I really need to do some cleaning. I dont know what I want for christmas or for my birthday. I'm almost 18, that's a scary thought. its just a little over a month away. I might ask my parents for a TV, I'd like to have a TV here. I haven't watched TV since I was home for Canadian thanksgiving and I sort of miss it. I watch movies in film studies but those are intelligent, and require me to think and analyze, it's just not the same.

I like to chat on the internet a lot for some reason. mostly I just fuck with people but sometimes I really talk to them. the people on yahoo are ok, but I don't like the format of yahoo chat. GO chat is the worst because I don't like the people or the format. I like the format of bigbobs webchat because it's comfortable like WBS used to be but there's not a lot of people there and most of them are stupid and boring. Oh well. do you know a better place? tell me about it. and sign my friggin' guestbook.

...and how many times are you gonna make me cry?
and how many times are you gonna say good bye?
what else can you take from me, I don't even care
half my heart beats inside of me, the other half's not there
-the Mooney Suzuki

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